our distinctives


We believe the Bible in its entirety is wholly inerrant—   without error—   in everything that it affirms in the original manuscripts. The Bible does not claim to be exhaustive in every field of knowledge but that which it speaks of it is totally inerrant.

We teach that God spoke creation into being by the Word of His power. He created the heavens and the earth out of nothing (ex nihilo) in six literal twenty-four hour days. We reject every form of evolution and theistic evolution as being contrary to the clear teaching of Scripture.

Women’s Role in Ministry
We believe that God has created all people in His image and therefore all humans are equal in importance before God. We also believe that God has placed the leadership role of the local church upon the men. Only men can serve as pastors and elders. Only men can preach and teach when the entire assembly is gathered. Women can teach other women and serve in a myriad of ways in the local church, but God has designated the men of the church to lead and serve in a Christ-honoring way.

Counseling & Psychology
We believe that the Bible is wholly sufficient for all of life and godliness. Therefore, the Bible has the answers for any and every problem that may arise. We find our wisdom and counsel from God’s Word and apply it to the specific counseling situation so that the Spirit-indwelt person can implement biblical principles and get to the root of the sin-issue and replace that sin with a Godly and holy virtue. We do not practice psychology, psychotherapy, or so-called ‘Christian psychology’; we practice biblical counseling. [Watch the CFBC distinctive of biblical counseling here.]

Tongues and the Sign Gifts
We believe that the sign gifts, including the gift of tongues, were used for a number of purposes in Scripture: (1) to validate the gospel message and (2) to validate God’s messenger. Because the gospel message is contained in the full and sufficient Word of God (66 books) there is no need for sign gifts today. Furthermore, we believe that there are no more apostles nor NT prophets for today. These offices ceased in the first century when they died. [Here is a brief article providing further reasons for cessationism.]

Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage
We believe that marriage is between one man and one woman for life. Though this is never God’s delight and though God never commands divorce, we believe that there are only two allowances in Scripture permitting divorce: (1) abandonment by an unbeliever and (2) adultery. Even in the cases of such sins, divorce is never the first option and can always be forgiven but these are the only two allowances in Scripture for divorce. A believer divorced on biblical grounds is free to remarry only another believer. A believer divorced on unbiblical grounds is not to remarry and must remain single or seek to be reunited with the previous spouse.

We believe that the God-ordained institution of marriage is between one man and one woman only. This is the way God intended marriage to be. All forms of homosexuality are sinful and contrary to the natural instinct that God placed in every man or woman. Those that live in homosexual lifestyles will not inherit the kingdom of God. Homosexuality is a sin that is forgivable if the sinner repents of that sin, turns from the lifestyle, and pursues a new way of life to the glory of God with the enabling grace of God the Holy Spirit.

For the CFBC position paper, read this.

Weddings and Ceremonies at CFBC
Christ Fellowship Bible Church affirms that God ordained marriage as an institution that involves the covenant relationship of companionship between one man and one woman alone. Since CFBC adheres to this biblical truth, CFBC will only conduct wedding ceremonies that join one adult man and one adult woman together in marriage. Thus, CFBC will refuse to join together any and all relationships that do not align with the clear teaching of the Word of God. Anything other than a marriage between one man and one woman is sinful and is, in fact, not a marriage at all in God’s eyes. This is why CFBC will refuse to allow, conduct, or permit any marriage or related marital reception that is anything other than heterosexual (one man and one woman alone).

The Sovereignty of God
We believe that God is absolutely and totally sovereign over everything. That God is sovereign means that He does what He wants, when He wants, with whom He wants, where He wants, all the time. He is always in control and he has ordained everything that happens. Every single event, circumstance, and moment in history has been foreordained by the sovereignty of God. [HERE is an article further supporting the absolute sovereignty of God.]

We believe that the only biblical mode of baptism is by immersion after God has saved the sinner. Thus, the regenerated believer gives public testimony of his or her conversion and then is baptized by immersion. Believer’s baptism by immersion is symbolic of conversion. When the person is completely immersed down into the water it is symbolic of the sinner’s being buried with Christ in the likeness of His death. When the person is raised out from the water it pictures the spiritual resurrection of the sinner with Christ in the likeness of His resurrection. [HERE is an article: "Why you should be baptized as a believer."]

The Doctrines of Grace
We believe in historic doctrines of grace because these doctrines stem directly from God's Word. We unequivocally affirm the utter sovereignty of God in all things and, with that, the sovereignty of God in the sinner’s salvation. The doctrines of grace could be defined as follows: (1) the radical depravity of man — total inability; (2) the unconditional, unmerited, and undeserved election of God; (3) the definite atonement — particular redemption; (4) the irresistible grace — the sovereign calling of God; and (5) the preservation of the saints — and the perseverance of the saints; (6) the glory of God in everything. The Word of God clearly affirms these foundational principles and thus we boldly and joyfully proclaim them. [HERE is a brief essay explaining each of the 5 biblical doctrines even further.]

Futuristic Premillennialism 

Futuristic premillennialism is the view that the 1,000 year millennial kingdom is yet future when Christ will reign on earth, from Zion, on David’s throne, over the nations. Additionally, this viewpoint holds to the pre-tribulation rapture when all Church-age saints will be caught up to meet Christ in the air before the seven-year Tribulation (the 70th week of Daniel) begins. At the conclusion of the 7-year Tribulation (also known as: the Day of the Lord, Daniel’s 70th week), Christ will physically return to earth to judge the living and the dead and He will then inaugurate His earthly kingdom for 1,000 years. After this earthly millennium, He will cast all the unsaved of all time into the Lake of Fire at the Great White Throne judgment. Then, the glorious Kingdom of Christ shall continue forever and ever into the eternal state in the New Heavens and the New Earth. All of this comes from a consistent use of the grammatical, historical hermeneutic of Scripture. Second, it holds the clear and biblical distinction between the Church and Israel. This viewpoint rejects all forms of replacement theology, or, supersessionism (that the Church has superseded Israel as the people of God). Furthermore, the rapture, the tribulation events, the 2nd coming, and the earthly kingdom are all seen as future events that have yet to be fulfilled.

Consistent, Literal Interpretation of Scripture

We hold to the consistent, literal interpretation of the Bible. We believe that Scripture is understandable as the Spirit of God illumines His Word in the hearts of His people. To understand Scripture properly, we must allow for the progressive nature of revelation and we must recognize what the author intended by what he wrote (and how the original audience would have understood it). Thus, we cannot read later biblical revelation back into earlier revelation (thus we cannot read the Old Testament through a New Testament lens). As a passage in the Old Testament prophesies the first coming of Christ and it was literally fulfilled just as the text says, so we hold that the prophesies concerning the second coming (and related events) must also be literally interpreted and literally fulfilled just as the text says (especially when these first and second coming prophesies occur in the same immediate context). Thus, we hold to and strive to practice (by God’s grace) a consistent, plain, normal, literal interpretation of Scripture (hermeneutic) to form and frame our theology.

Elder-Led, Congregationally-Involved Church Polity

In regards to church polity, or church government, we hold to an elder-led, congregationally-involved form of church governance. Elder led church polity has historically been called the “presbyterian form” of church governance. This comes from the Greek word for elder (presbuteros). In this form of government, the final authority rests with the plurality of biblically-qualified shepherd-elders who serve, lead, pray, teach, govern, protect, and minister in a Godly way. Though we believe that elder-led church government is biblical, we also covet and enjoy the congregational involvement in church matters. This includes correspondence with the flock, communication on certain matters, and the sharing of information and possible upcoming decisions so as to hear valuable input from the congregation. Though the congregation does not have the final say (e.g., a ‘congregational vote’), we believe the input from the congregation provides valuable insight that the shepherds ought to hear, consider, pray through, and weigh in making decisions on various matters. But the final decision rests with the plurality of the qualified elder-shepherds.


We desire to be a disciple-making church. We want to follow Christ together and be vitally, proactively, regularly involved in the lives of one another. An important part of CFBC is discipleship. Discipleship is the progressive journey of growing in Christlikeness until every believer is presented completely mature in Christ. It is one believer helping another believer follow Jesus Christ. Discipleship should be a continual and ongoing pursuit of each believer. When believers come together to study the Word together, to open the Word and read it together, and to search it and mine out its glorious riches together, and to search the breadth and length and entirety of the Word together, then Christian growth occurs as the Spirit works by and with His powerful Word. True discipleship is reproductive and always fresh since there are always new believers in which to invest. Some of the last words of Christ contain the commission to His followers to go into all the world and make more disciples. To be a disciple of Christ is to be a follower of Him; that is, a learner of His Word and an imitator of His ways. We prayerfully hope that believers at CFBC will proactively pursue one another in discipleship relationships to foster greater conformity to Christ and enjoyment of His glory!

Families Worshiping Together In the Worship Service

Though we do not require families to all worship together and even though we do offer a nursery for children up to age 4, we heartily encourage and strive to equip families to worship together in the worship service. We encourage this for a few reasons. (1) Teaching. It allows the children from the earliest of ages to hear and be taught the Word and be under the power of the Word and the gospel preached, read, sung, prayed, and enjoyed. (2) Blessing. Corporate worship is one of the means of grace and we long for young children to watch and learn and understand that they can participate in the praises of God.  (3) Example. Having children in the worship service means they can watch the example of the church family as they sing loudly, listen intently, pray corporately, and rejoice together in the assembly. Children will watch the example and learn by example. (4) Protection. Children need to know worshiping God is something they can - and must - do. This protects them from worldliness and puts them under the powerful, saving, life-giving nature of the Word of God.  (5) Shepherding. It provides families a chance to build on what they heard and observed during the week with kids in daily, home family worship. (6) Training. From early ages, like when concrete is wet and easy to shape, parents can strive to mold and shape the children on the glory of God, the need to worship God, and the joyful blessing and important duty of gathering to worship Christ with God’s people weekly.

Meaningful Membership

We hold firmly to meaningful membership, intentional involvement, and joyous one-anothering in the local church assembly. Meaningful membership is beneficial for the elder-shepherds to know who the flock of God is among them (1 Peter 5.1-2) and the sheep that the elders will be responsible to give an account for on that final day. Additionally, membership is vitally important for the individual Christian for accountability, discipleship, growth, togetherness, and stirring up one another in growth in grace and holiness of life. It is vital to live together with other Christians. God calls His people to live in the context of community, or an assembly. Christian community aids believers to fight sin, grow in grace, deal with suffering, grow amidst discouragements, and grow in our ability to serve and worship. The body of Christ is made up of many members inextricably bound together through the redemptive work of Christ. And just as they make up the universal body of Christ, God has given to each individual spiritual gifts with which they can — and must — obediently employ in the upbuilding of the believers. This takes place in a localized assembly of gathered believers. To be a member is to invite scrutiny, accountability, and shepherding care. A Christian longs for this. A believer accepts the accountability of other caring Christians who desire to come alongside to help stimulate growth, guard from sin, and bear each other’s burdens. Church membership aligns with the early church pattern as individuals who profess faith in Christ, who have then been baptized, and who are walking in holiness join themselves together in a local church where they can together grow in Christlikeness and evangelize with boldness. [Read THIS regarding CFBC's commitment as to why membership matters in the local church.]

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